
Dukale supports the archeological project in Sagalassos (Turkey).

Sagalassos is an archeological site in the south west of Turkey, about 100km north of Antalya. The ruins of this ancient city are on the flanks of the Western Taurus mountain range at +/- 1500m high.  Since the early 90’s, the site has been the focus of Prof. Marc Waelkens of the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.L.) and his team. From then, they have been able to dig up some great treasures from the Greek and Roman period. Dukale supports the archeological project in Sagalassos!

One of the richest cities in Pisidia

Human settlement in the area goes back to 8000 BCE, before the actual site was occupied. Sagalassos was one of the richest cities in Pisidia when Alexander the Great conquered it in 333 BCE on its ways to Persia. Already during the Hellenistic period, it had been one of the major Pisidian towns. In Roman Imperial times, the town became one of the main locations in the region.

The urban site was laid out on various terraces at +/- 1500m high. After having suffered from a major earthquake in the early sixth century CE, the town still managed to recover. But then came a mixture of epidemics, water shortage, a lack of security and stability, a failing economy and another earthquake. It forced the people to leave their town on the mountain and settle in the valley.

State-of-the-art type of research project

This project is a state-of-the-art type of archeological research project. In the early years, there were only small field teams of archeologists and surveyors active. Today, dozens of experts from many disciplines are working together to extract information from this site. Since 1990, they have exposed a large number of buildings, monuments and other remains. They document the monumental aspect of the Greek, Roman and early Bizantine history of the town.

Dukale supports the archeological project in Sagalassos, and we are so proud of the work they are doing there!

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