
Meanwhile in the mountains: Sagalassos

Yapı Kredi Cultural Activities, Arts and Publishing Inc. is hosting the famous exhibition “Meanwhile in the Mountains: Sagalassos”. Occupying three floors at Yapı Kredi Cultural Centre in Beyoğlu, the exhibition leads visitors through the ancient city. It was founded on the southern slopes of the Taurus mountain range, and the history of the region of Pisidia.

The most all-in-one archaeological project in recent years

“Meanwhile in the Mountains: Sagalassos” is the result of strong collaboration. Both the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Directorate General for Cultural Heritage & Museums and the KU Leuven University support the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project.


Displaying 368 objects from Burdur Archaeology Museum, the exhibition is open to visitors from 27 November 2019 to 28 May 2020. Sagalassos is one of the best preserved ancient cities of the Mediterranean. And included in the Tentative List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites! It is an archeologic site, located in an area with roots of more than 7000 years old. One of its most famous “visitors” was Alexander the Great.

KU Leuven University

Once again, the special team of KUL breathed life into the wonders of ancient life in the Taurus mountains. Archaeology does not only feature monumental buildings and imperial statues. Though these aspects are certainly present in the exhibition. As you have come to expect from KUL, the little things in past lives and the day-to-day are elaborated in great detail too. 368 objects lead visitors by the hand along the natural and human history of Sagalassos and its surroundings.


Unfortunately, with the measures taken because of COVID-19, the exhibition is currently closed to visitors until further notice. But you can find an overview on Sagalassos and its glorious exhibition on YouTube. Including a drone-flight over the ancient site!

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